Printmaking As Partnership
One of the largest roles of a printmaker is in publishing and producing work for others. Those who wish to consider this as a pejorative consider the act of publishing purely through commercial means. In doing so, one would miss out on the most inherent values of printmaking: it’s ability to cultivate relationships and collaborations, with the most ideal instances pushing a printmaker to expand beyond their comfort zones both practically and conceptually. These opportunities to grow are beneficial to the practice of print publication, but translate to needs in society at large, especially in our current times of increased polarization and tribalism that encourages us to stay set in our ways.
Within this portfolio, 15 printmakers worked with a collaborator of their choice to complete an edition of work inspired by an exchange of ideas. The exact formula varied by pair: two printmakers collaborating in a shared language, printmakers finding a common space with other visual artists, a printer looking to translate the ideas of a professional completely outside of the artworld, etc. Each edition includes 32 prints to recognize the shared effort of the partnership, with each duo having the opportunity to work beyond their typical habits and approach to making in a new way influenced by the ideas of their partner.
Organized in 2019 as part of Exchange: SGCI 2019.
Participating artists w/ collaborators:
Laura Brown w/ Noelle Vainikka
Chandler Brutscher w/ Amber N. Ford
Zach Clark w/ Emily Tareila
Shannon Delahanty w/ Erin Martinez
Dave DiMarchi w/ Zack Arrington
Tressa Jones w/ Tyler Nansen
Heather Leier w/ Becky Thera
Amanda Linn McInerney w/ Debra Broz
Maggie Middleton w/ Vinicius Libardoni
Liz Melnyczuk w/ Maggie Dimmock
Jack Michael w/ David Wyrick
Barry O’Keefe w/ Josh Dannin
Skyler Pham w/ Kristin Sarette
Laura Peturson w/ Andrew Ackerman
Meghan Pohlod w/ Alison Mortiz

Laura Brown & Noelle Vainikka

Chandler Brutscher & Amber N Ford

Zach Clark & Emily Tareila

Shannon Delahanty & Erin Martinez

Dave Dimarchi & Zack Arrington

Tressa Jones & Tyler Nansen

Heather Leier & Becky Thera

Amanda Linn Mcinerney & Debra Broz

Maggie Middleton & Vinicius Libardoni

Liz Melnyczuk & Maggie Dimmock

Jack Michael & David Wyrick

Barry O'Keefe & Josh Dannin

Skyler Pham & Kristin Sarette

Laura Peturson & Andrew Ackerman